Identify appropriate UART interfaces on the server and client and wire up RX and TX. Do not forget to wire “cross”, i.e. RX on one processor to TX on the other.
Optionally also wire flow control (RTS and CTS). Doing so protects from data loss (and erratic behavior) with large packages that to not fit in the UART receive buffers.
Configure Server#
%connect wifi-server
Connected to wifi-server @ serial:///dev/ttyUSB0
Directories match
# run boot.py & main.py
!!!!! hardreset ... !!!!!
Configure Client#
%connect wifi-client
Connected to wifi-client @ serial:///dev/ttyACM0
Directories match
!!!!! softreset ... !!!!!
%connect wifi-client
from urpc import *
import sys
sys_ = import_('sys')
print(" host: {}".format(sys.platform))
print(" server: {}".format(sys_.get_('platform')))
Connected to wifi-client @ serial:///dev/ttyACM0
host: pyboard
server: esp32
!cat code/server/rpc_test.py
class RPC_Test:
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def add(self, a, b):
return "{}: {} + {} = {}".format(self._name, a, b, a+b)
def name(self):
return self._name
def __str__(self):
return "Demo {}".format(self._name)
rpc_test = import_('rpc_test')
t = rpc_test.RPC_Test("rpc test")
print("ADD ", t.add(5, 7))
print("NAME", t.get_('name'))
print("STR ", t)
print("\nchange name ...")
t.set_('_name', 'new name')
print("ADD ", t.add(3, -9))
print("NAME", t.get_('name'))
print("STR ", t)
ADD rpc test: 5 + 7 = 12
NAME rpc test
STR Demo rpc test
change name ...
ADD new name: 3 + -9 = -6
NAME new name
STR Demo new name
from urpc import *
builtins_ = import_('builtins')
__main__ framebuf uasyncio/lock ure
_boot gc uasyncio/stream uselect
_onewire inisetup ubinascii usocket
_thread machine ubluetooth ussl
_uasyncio math ucollections ustruct
_webrepl micropython ucryptolib usys
apa106 msgpack uctypes utime
btree neopixel uerrno utimeq
builtins network uhashlib uwebsocket
cmath ntptime uheapq uzlib
dht onewire uio webrepl
ds18x20 uarray ujson webrepl_setup
esp uasyncio/__init__ uos websocket_helper
esp32 uasyncio/core upip
finaliserproxy uasyncio/event upip_utarfile
flashbdev uasyncio/funcs urandom
Plus any modules on the filesystem
gc_ = import_('gc')
print("1) cop mem_free: ", gc_.mem_free())
print("2) cop mem_free: ", gc_.mem_free())
import gc
print("1) host mem_free:", gc.mem_free())
print("2) host mem_free:", gc.mem_free())
1) cop mem_free: 77824
2) cop mem_free: 98688
1) host mem_free: 22400
2) host mem_free: 88256