Pitch Control#

  • r –> desired

  • y –> actual pitch

  • u –> duty

%connect serial:///dev/ttyAMA1
Connected to robot-stm32 @ serial:///dev/ttyAMA1

PID controller:

%%writefile $IOT_PROJECTS/robot/code/stm32/lib/PID.py
# Based on https://github.com/br3ttb/Arduino-PID-Library

from array import array

# config vector (may be dynamically updated)
SETPOINT = const(0)  # setpoint            
KP       = const(1)  # proportional term
KI       = const(2)  # scaled by /fs
KD       = const(3)  # scaled by *fs
U_MIN    = const(4)  # minimum PID output (anti-windup)
U_MAX    = const(5)  # maximum PID output (anti-windup)

# state (used internally)
_SUM     = const(0)
_Y       = const(1)

class PID:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.state = array('f', [0, 0])
    def update(self, y):
        """compute & return new PID output u from plant output y"""
        c = self.config
        s = self.state
        err = c[SETPOINT] - y
        s[_SUM] += self._clip(c[KI] * err)   # integrator state
        u = self._clip(c[KP] * err + s[_SUM] - c[KD] * (y - s[_Y]))
        s[_Y] = y   # save last y (for KD term)
        return u
    def _clip(self, value):
        c = self.config
        if value > c[U_MAX]: return c[U_MAX]
        if value < c[U_MIN]: return c[U_MIN]
        return value
Writing /home/iot/iot49.org/docs/projects/robot/code/stm32/lib/PID.py

Pitch controller:

%%writefile $IOT_PROJECTS/robot/code/stm32/lib/pitch_control.py
from controller import *
from param import PARAM, PARAM_RESERVED
from pid import PID

P0 = const(2)

SET_PITCH = const(P0+0)
KP        = const(P0+1)
KI        = const(P0+2)
KD        = const(P0+3)
U_MIN     = const(P0+4)
U_MAX     = const(P0+5)

PARAM[U_MIN] = -100
PARAM[U_MAX] =  100

class Control(Controller):
    def __init__(self, uart):
        self.pid = PID(memoryview(PARAM)[SET_PITCH:U_MAX+1])
    def update(self):
        state = self.state
        pitch = state[STATE_PITCH]
        if abs(pitch) < 30:
            duty = self.pid.update(pitch)
            duty = self.fix_duty(duty)
            duty = 0
        state[STATE_DUTY1] = state[STATE_DUTY2] = duty
    def fix_duty(duty):
        if abs(duty) > 1:
            duty = duty+8.5 if duty>0 else duty-8.5
        return duty
Writing /home/iot/iot49.org/docs/projects/robot/code/stm32/lib/pitch_control.py

Run the show …


import nest_asyncio, sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getenv('IOT_PROJECTS'), 'robot/code/rpi'))

# fix wiring issue
from gpiozero import Button as Pin
    Pin(14, pull_up=False)

from asyncio_mqtt import Client
from struct import pack
import numpy as np
import asyncio, json, os

import stm32
from robot import *

print(f"plot @ http://{os.getenv('DNS_NAME')}.local:5006")

MQTT_BROKER = os.getenv("HOST_IP")
TOPIC_ROOT  = "public/vis"

P0          = PARAM_RESERVED

SET_PITCH   = const(P0+0)
KP          = const(P0+1)
KI          = const(P0+2)
KD          = const(P0+3)
U_MIN       = const(P0+4)
U_MAX       = const(P0+5)

FS          = 20        # controller update rate

PITCH0      = 5  # deg

class TestRemote(Remote):
    async def handle(self, dt: float, code: str, value: float):
        if value < 0:
            print(f"PID {code} = {value} < 0 (ignored)")
        value *= 0.001
        if code == '1':
            await self.robot.set(KP, value*FS)
        elif code == '2':
            await self.robot.set(KI, value)
        elif code == '3':
            await self.robot.set(KD, value*FS*FS)
class Control:

    def __init__(self):
        self.pitch = 90

    async def main(self):
        self.publish = [ "time [s]", "pitch", "duty", "dt1 [0.1ms]", "dt2 [0.1ms]" ]
        async with Client(MQTT_BROKER) as client, \
            Comm(self.state_listener) as robot, \
            TestRemote() as remote:
            remote.robot = robot
            self.client = client
            await client.publish(f"{TOPIC_ROOT}/new", json.dumps({
                "columns": self.publish,
                "rollover": 1000,
                "args": { "title": f"Robot pitch" },
            await robot.set(PARAM_FS, FS)
            await robot.set(SET_PITCH, PITCH0)
            await robot.start("pitch_control")
            # wait for upright position
            while abs(self.pitch-PITCH0) > 3:
                print(f"orient robot upright, pitch {self.pitch-PITCH0:8.2f} --> 0")
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
            # balancing ...
            await robot.set(KP, 1)
            while abs(self.pitch-PITCH0) < 60:
                # print(f"balancing, pitch = {self.pitch-PITCH0:8.2f}")
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
            print("main DONE", self.pitch-PITCH0)

    async def state_listener(self, state):
            t = state[STATE_K]/FS
            duty = state[STATE_DUTY1]
            self.pitch = state[STATE_PITCH]
            dt1 = state[STATE_DT1]
            dt2 = state[STATE_DT2]
            await self.client.publish(
                pack(f'!{len(self.publish)}f', t, self.pitch, duty, dt1/100, dt2/100))
        except Exception as e:
            print("***** state_listener:", e)
    async def handle(self, dt: float, code: str, value: float):
        if value < 0:
            print(f"PID {code} = {value} < 0 (ignored)")
        value *= 0.001
        if code == '1':
            await self.robot.set(KP, value*FS)
        elif code == '2':
            await self.robot.set(KI, value)
        elif code == '3':
            await self.robot.set(KD, value*FS*FS)


    c = Control()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(f"kp = {PARAM[KP]}")
print(f"ki = {PARAM[KI]}")
print(f"kd = {PARAM[KD]}")
plot @ http://pi4robot.local:5006
Directories match
MCU: start Comm @ 1000000 baud
scanning for iot49-robot
connecting to iot49-robot ... connected
orient robot upright, pitch    85.00 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.78 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.74 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.74 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.74 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.75 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -93.59 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -92.07 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -57.22 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -82.29 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch   -33.39 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch    -8.73 --> 0
orient robot upright, pitch    -6.09 --> 0
main DONE -63.68894958496094
kp = 1.0
ki = 0.0
kd = 0.0